Optimizar imagénes para la web

Públicado el mar 07 septiembre 2010

El peso (tamaño) de las imágenes de un sitio web es determinante para dos aspectos fundamentales: la velocidad de carga de las páginas y el consumo de ancho de banda.

La velocidad de carga de las páginas es un factor cada día más importante, tanto para el posicionamiento de la web, como para la experiencia del usuario, que cada vez es más impaciente. El consumo de ancho de banda también es un factor muy importante, en cuanto a que suele estar directamente relacionado con el coste económico del alojamiento del sitio.

Y aunque generalmente los programas de retoque fotográfico más comunes incorporan ya opciones especiales para guardar imágenes para la web, no todos exprimen al máximo el potencial de eliminar información superflua de una imagen (bueno, el EXIF puede no serlo tanto, dependiendo del sitio) sin que se vea afectada la calidad de la misma.

Yahoo, en sus consejos para optimizar la velocidad de carga de un sitio web, "Yahoo Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site", recomienda una serie de pequeñas aplicaciones en su apartado para optimizar las imágenes.

Son una serie de ordenes de línea comandos que han de aplicarse a las imágenes, una por una, algo tedioso y poco optimo si nuestro sitio web tiene cientos o miles de imágenes.

Por eso he creado un script en Python, img4web.py, que automatiza todo el proceso y procesa todas las imágenes en formatos .png y .jpg que se encuentren en una carpeta.

Es muy sencillo de utilizar y al final del proceso tendremos una nueva carpeta "processed" con todas las imágenes y un resumen del proceso como este:

         Original            Processed           Save

.jpgs:   ( 31)  2.12 MiB     ( 31)  1.82 MiB     301.28 KiB  
.pngs:   ( 10)489.46 KiB     ( 10)368.93 KiB     120.53 KiB  
Total:   ( 41)  2.60 MiB     ( 41)  2.19 MiB     421.81 KiB

El script, las revisiones del código y las instrucciones de como descargarlo y usarlo podéis encontrarlas en el repositorio que está alojado en github.

Funciona tanto en Linux como en Windows, no lo he probado en un Mac.

El código del script, es el siguiente:

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: <utf8> -*-

    img4web.py: optimize .jpg and .png images for the web

# This Script optimizes .jpg and .png images for the web.
# This follows the "Yahoo Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site" about
# optimize images. 
# http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#opt_images
# Uses the program pngcrush and the command jpegtran of the libjpeg library
# pngcrush, http://pmt.sourceforge.net/pngcrush/
# libjpg, http://www.ijg.org/
# In Linux they are usually available in the most popular distribution 
# repositories, e.g.: 
# In debian, Ubuntu as these packages:
# pngcrush
# libjpeg-progs
# In Windows pngcrush can be downloaded at 
# http://sourceforge.net/projects/pmt/files/pngcrush-executables/
# and libjpeg can be downloaded (as gnuwin32) at 
# http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/jpeg.php
# How it runs?
# Get a list of .jpg and .png images in the working directory (where script 
# runs) and process all of them one by one. Store the processed images in a new
# subdirectory named 'processed' (I know, I didn't killed myself worrying about 
# the name)

#    Copyright 2009 joe di castro <joe@joedicastro.com>
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

__author__ = "joe di castro - joe@joedicastro.com"
__license__ = "GNU General Public License version 2"
__date__ = "30/12/2010"
__version__ = "0.4"

    import sys
    import glob
    import os
    import platform
    import re
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, call
except ImportError:
    # Checks the installation of the necessary python modules 
    print((os.linesep * 2).join(["An error found importing one module:",
    str(sys.exc_info()[1]), "You need to install it", "Stopping..."]))

def best_unit_size(bytes_size):
    """Get a size in bytes & convert it to the best IEC prefix for readability.

    Return a dictionary with three pair of keys/values:

    's' -- (float) Size of path converted to the best unit for easy read
    'u' -- (str) The prefix (IEC) for s (from bytes(2^0) to YiB(2^80))

    for exp in range(0, 90 , 10):
        bu_size = abs(bytes_size) / pow(2.0, exp)
        if int(bu_size) < 2 ** 10:
            unit = {0:'bytes', 10:'KiB', 20:'MiB', 30:'GiB', 40:'TiB', 50:'PiB',
                    60:'EiB', 70:'ZiB', 80:'YiB'}[exp]
    return {'s':bu_size, 'u':unit}

def get_size(the_path):
    """Get size of a directory tree or a file in bytes."""
    path_size = 0
    for path, directories, files in os.walk(the_path):
        for filename in files:
            path_size += os.lstat(os.path.join(path, filename)).st_size
        for directory in directories:
            path_size += os.lstat(os.path.join(path, directory)).st_size
    path_size += os.path.getsize(the_path)
    return path_size

def check_execs_posix_win(*progs):
    """Check if the programs are installed.

    Returns two values:

    (dict) windows_paths - a dictionary of executables/paths (keys/values)
    (boolean) is_windows - True it's a Windows OS, False it's a *nix OS

    def not_found(app):
        """ If executable is not installed, exit and report."""
        msg = 'The {0} program is necessary to run this script'.format(app)

    windows_paths = {}
    is_windows = True if platform.system() == 'Windows' else False
    # get all the drive unit letters if the OS is Windows
    windows_drives = re.findall(r'(\w:)\\',
                                Popen('fsutil fsinfo drives', stdout=PIPE).
                                communicate()[0]) if is_windows else None
    for prog in progs:
        if is_windows:
            # Set all commands to search the executable in all drives
            win_cmds = ['dir /B /S {0}\*{1}.exe'.format(letter, prog) for
                        letter in windows_drives]
            # Get the first location (usually in C:) of the all founded where 
            # the executable exists
            exe_paths = (''.join([Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
                                        shell=True).communicate()[0] for
                                        cmd in win_cmds])).split(os.linesep)[0]
            # Assign the path to the executable or report not found if empty
            windows_paths[prog] = exe_paths if exe_paths else not_found(prog)
                Popen([prog, '--help'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
            except OSError:
    return windows_paths, is_windows

def main(execs, windows):
    """Main section."""
    # Check if exists the subdirectory for store the results, else create it
    dest_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'processed')
    if not os.path.exists(dest_path):

    # Get the list of all .png an .jpg images in the current folder by type
    jpg, png = glob.glob('*.jp[e|g]*'), glob.glob('*.png')

    # Get the original size of the images in bytes by type
    org_jpg_sz = sum((get_size(orig_jpg) for orig_jpg in jpg))
    org_png_sz = sum((get_size(orig_png) for orig_png in png))

    # Get the executable's names (and path for windows) of the needed programs 
    jpegtran = execs['jpegtran'] if windows else 'jpegtran'
    pngcrush = execs['pngcrush'] if windows else 'pngcrush'

    # Process all .jpg images
    for jpg_img in jpg:
        call([jpegtran, '-copy', 'none', '-optimize', '-perfect', '-outfile',
              os.path.join(dest_path, jpg_img), jpg_img])

    # Process all .png images
    for png_img in png:
        call([pngcrush, '-rem', 'alla', '-reduce', '-brute',
              png_img, os.path.join(dest_path, png_img)])

    # Get the size of the processed images in bytes by type
    prc_jpg = [j for j in glob.glob('*.jp[e|g]*') if j in jpg]
    prc_png = [p for p in glob.glob('*.png') if p in png]
    prc_jpg_sz = sum((get_size(new_j) for new_j in prc_jpg))
    prc_png_sz = sum((get_size(new_p) for new_p in prc_png))

    # Get a human readable size
    ojs, ops = best_unit_size(org_jpg_sz), best_unit_size(org_png_sz)
    pjs, pps = best_unit_size(prc_jpg_sz), best_unit_size(prc_png_sz)
    tot_org = best_unit_size(org_jpg_sz + org_png_sz)
    tot_prc = best_unit_size(prc_jpg_sz + prc_png_sz)
    sjs = best_unit_size(org_jpg_sz - prc_jpg_sz)
    sps = best_unit_size(org_png_sz - prc_png_sz)
    tts = best_unit_size((org_jpg_sz + org_png_sz) - (prc_jpg_sz + prc_png_sz))

    # print a little report    
    print('{0}{1}{0}{2:^80}{0}{1}'.format(os.linesep, '=' * 80, 'Summary'))
    print('         Original            Processed           Save' + os.linesep)
    print('.jpgs:   ({6:3}){0:>6.2f} {1:8}({7:3}){2:>6.2f} {3:8}{4:>6.2f} {5}'.
          format(ojs['s'], ojs['u'], pjs['s'], pjs['u'], sjs['s'], sjs['u'],
                 len(jpg), len(prc_jpg)))
    print('.pngs:   ({6:3}){0:>6.2f} {1:8}({7:3}){2:>6.2f} {3:8}{4:>6.2f} {5}'.
          format(ops['s'], ops['u'], pps['s'], pps['u'], sps['s'], sps['u'],
                 len(png), len(prc_png)))
    print('-' * 80)
    print('Total:   ({6:3}){0:>6.2f} {1:8}({7:3}){2:>6.2f} {3:8}{4:>6.2f} {5}'.
          format(tot_org['s'], tot_org['u'], tot_prc['s'], tot_prc['u'],
                 tts['s'], tts['u'],
                 (len(jpg) + len(png)), (len(prc_jpg) + len(prc_png))))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    WIN_EXECS, WIN_OS = check_execs_posix_win('jpegtran', 'pngcrush')
    main(WIN_EXECS, WIN_OS)

Para una versión actualizada del código ir a el fichero fuente.

Etiquetado como: python, script, imagenes, yahoo best practices, pngcrush, jpegtran.